Ruby on Rails installation on Raspberry Pi is quite simple. Unfortunately on board we have only 512 MB RAM and slow CPU so that can complicate some things
Probably with that small memory we will can run 1 medium-small RoR application in one ruby version with one gemset.
Compiling ruby on Raspberry Pi is little time consuning task, so I would recommend use ruby available in distribution repository if that is possible. Also there installing rvm or other ruby version menagers for one application is unnecessary
If You would like to compile ruby from sources or use rvm You can also use tutorial from website eLinux
The Raspian way.
sudo apt-get install ruby
The Arch Linux way.
There is the newest ruby interpreter in Arch Linux for Raspberry pi repository so we can just run:
sudo pacman -S ruby
Any distro
To install gems without root authorization we can in very clever way override enviroment variable adding line to ~/.bashrc :
export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gems
Some gems includes also commands like rake,rails
To have possibility to use theese comands without typinch all paths we need to add gem’s bin path to enviroment variable PATH.
Gem’s bin is in ~/.gem/ruby/(ruby version)/bin .
In system we can have commands that have that same name like gems so we will add new path on the begginng export PATH=(new path):$PATH
in file ~/.bashrc .
In My uscase it was:
export PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$PATH
Raspberry Pi not always have big SD card and to save some time on installing gem we can disable generate documentation for gems To turn of default document generation task we need to add line in ~/.gemrc (create if it doesn’t exist) :
gem: --no-document
Now just install rails gem
gem install rails